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Taipoil M2 TURBO – High quality specialized turbo engine oil

Xô 18L 1.615.000 VNĐ
Can 25L 2.215.000 VNĐ
Phuy 200L 17.500.000 VNĐ

Taipoil M2 TURBO is a high-quality specialized turbo diesel engine oil formulated from refined mineral oil with an advanced lubricating I-ON additive system combined with specialized turbo-specific additive, making the engine powerful, durable to operate for a long time, with high speed and heavy load.


  • The latest i-on additive system, combining anti-slip oil cutting technology at high speed, high temperature, high pressure to ensure lubrication, and maintain stable viscosity, suitable for vehicles with the turbocharger.
  • High thermal and oxidation stability gives the oil long service life.
  • High dispersion, cleaning properties help keep the engine clean, prevent oil thickening during use.


High-quality mineral oil and pressure booster.

Technical standards:

Oil meets the following requirements: SAE 15W-40, SAE 20W-50, API CF-4; ACEA E2 -96; MB –Approval 228.1; MAN 271/270; Volvo VDS.

User manual:

  • Specialized oil for turbocharged diesel engines, which requires API CF-4 quality level.
  • The oil is suitable for lubricating and cooling large capacity diesel engines in long-haul, high-load road, river, and long-haul fishing vessels..
  • Besides, the oil is also used for generator engines, industrial, and agricultural diesel engines.

Methods of preservation:

Stored under the roof, in a dry, cool, temperature below 60oC.


  • Avoid prolonged and frequent contact with the used oil.
  • To protect the environment, dispose of oil properly.


  • Bucket of 18 Liter, can of 25 Liter, Drum of 200 Liter.
  • Or package meets to customer’s requirements.

Các chỉ tiêu chất lượng:

Chỉ tiêu kỹ thuật Phương pháp thử 15W-40 20W-50
Tỷ trọng ở 15oC (Kg/l) ASTM D 4052 0.84–0.88 0.84–0.88
Độ nhớt động học ở 100oC (mm2/s) ASTM D 445 14-16 19-21
Chỉ số độ nhớt (VI) ASTM D 2270 Min 100 Min 100
Nhiệt độ chớp cháy cốc hở COC (oC) ASTM D 92 Min 200 Min 220
Trị số kiềm tổng (mgKOH/g) ASTM D 2896 Min 9.5 Min 9.5
Hàm lượng nước tính theo V/m (%V) ASTM D 95 Max 0.05 Max 0.05
Độ tạo bọt ở 93,5oC (ml) ASTM D 892 Max 10/0 Max 10/0
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